donderdag 11 juli 2013

Our response and the healing of an abuse victim

The response the victim receives when she/he discloses the abuse either compounds the abuse or contributes to healing; if the victim is met with scepticism, denial and accusations, anger, or no response at all when she/he discloses the abuse she/he has suffered, the effects of the abuse are compounded. It is extremely difficult for an abused person to open up and usually they initially only share a little of their abuse experiences. If this is not met with compassion and genuine care the lack of a support intensifies the abuse and leaves the victim feeling even more lonely, helpless, and unworthy. However, when a disclosure is met with compassion and is followed with effective intervention healing can take place. A caring, loving, nurturing, and listening person in the victim's life lessens the trauma. As Christians we should therefore meet people’s disclosure of abuse and mistreatment not with scepticism, denial or spiritual quick fixes which do not do justice to the magnitude of the problem. Instead we should show genuine love, compassion and care, a listening ear, a helping hand and continuous encouragement so the victim may find the courage to disclose all that has happened and may find deep inner healing. One cannot exorcise painful memories and bad experiences, they need to be confessed, brought out in the open and then the burden should be given over to Christ. It is a painful process and the victim will need genuine love, comfort, patience, encouragement and understanding.

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