woensdag 5 maart 2014


If for some reason you feel you have lacked the motherly nurturing you needed when growing up; if you have not received the affirmation you needed to feel confident in life; then you are in need of loving reparenting by the One who loves you more than anything and who believes so much in you that He wants to make you a member of His household. If you do not have your needs met by Him you may end up captive in a harmful relationship with someone who is self-absorbed and manipulative and uses your vulnerabilities to control you and make you do what they want. On your part you will ''voluntarily'' do it in the hope that your needs will be eventually be met as well and they will, just enough to keep you hooked but never really enough. This can happen in a personal relationship or family setting but also in a work setting or even a religious setting. Such people may appear to be able and willing to give you the care and validation you need but it is conditional on their mood and attitude towards you. Basically you are in bondage to please and serve them otherwise the affection, care, validation or love you crave will be withdrawn until you comply with their demands. Such people will praise you when you do as they please but do not really respect you as a person, nor will they respect your rights, nor respect your boundaries. Before you know you find yourself doing things against your conscience, ideals and beliefs. We must disentangle ourselves from such relationships by learning to protect our boundaries and have our needs met by God. At the same time we must forgive and not harshly condemn them as such people are usually so damaged themselves that they are unable to understand what they do to others.

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