maandag 11 mei 2015

Everybody lies

Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices
Col. 3:9

Many people, including Christians will agree with Dr. House's assessment in the series House MD: "everybody lies". To communicate a falsehood, paint a wrong picture or mislead people either by keeping them ignorant, hiding information or communicating misleading information is something all human beings do by nature. For some people living in dangerous or oppressive situations communicating the truth could mean severe punishment and in order to survive they became such experts in hiding and evading the truth that lying has almost become natural. Often they do so without giving it much thought. Unfortunately even when they are no longer really need to lie for sheer survival. Although they no longer need too they struggle to stop lying. Even when they turn to Christ they often keep struggling to get free from this trap of the devil who is the father of all lies and a murderer. After all persisting in living a lie eventually brings destruction as well as spiritual death to oneself and the people in one's life. To lie is not only disrespectful to them but it is very unloving for we are deceiving them while they trust us. Not only does this undermine our own self-esteem and self-love it also brings us under Gods judgement as we are breaking His royal law of love. So how to repent and to break free? The best way of dealing with lies in our lives is to admit that we are not living rightly and need to change course 180 degrees. We also must recognise that underneath the lies there is often a hidden fear of being abandoned, rejected or hurt.

This fear can only go if we firmly decide to trust God for if we trust in His love, protection and care for us we will not feel the need to protect ourselves through lies. Unfortunately lying has a lot of evil brothers and sisters. For example it encourages more fear such as the fear of being found out and exposed. It also causes us to mistrust and fear others as we fear they may also be as deceitful as we are. There is only one way out: Make a firm choice to from now on tell the truth and nothing but the truth, trusting that God will protect and help us deal with the consequences. Secondly come clean to your loved ones about past lies so that they do not continue to undermine the relationship. You will be surprised how many of your "convincing" lies were never that convincing and caused them to have doubts in you. In fact the more we lie to someone the more we undermine trust and kill intimacy. However, people who really love you will be quick to forgive you and will be happy to hear that you decided to change your ways. Those who will reject you after coming clean they are themselves in need of repentance. Finally remember that when God says "do not lie" it is for your own good. Lies are an open door for the kingdom of darkness in your life and will ultimately destroy your relationship with God. It also hurts your loved ones and even yourself for deep down you will know that what you are doing is wrong and lose respect and love for yourself and so in the end hurt yourself too. The father of lies is an evil taskmaster, so be courageous and break free with Gods help and start living in accordance with the truth.

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